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Research Statement


Full List of Publications

Selected Publications

Published in 2021-2024

When Populism Meets Religion: Economic Lessons from Israel’s Existential Crisis

Chapter 7 in May 17, 2024 CEPR e-book The Transition to Illiberal Democracy Economic Drivers and Consequences | CEPR

When to Lock, Not Whom: Managing Epidemics Using Time-Based Restrictions

(With Yinon Bar-On, Tanya Baron and Ofer Cornfeld).

By The Review of Economic Dynamics, 2023.



The Importance of Hiring Frictions in Business Cycles 

(With Renato Faccini),
Quantitative Economics, July 2022, 13, 1101-1143. 


Moving from a Poor Economy to a Rich One: A Job Tasks Approach

Labour Economics,
October 2021, Vol 72, 102032, Lead paper 

The Arab Economy In Israel

(With Nitsa Kasir),
Book chapter, Cambridge University Press, 2021

Work in Progress/Revision

Design of Female Labor Supply Policy: Tackling Modernity-Related Social Norms

(with Oren Danieli)

Matching Workers
(with Espen Moen)

The Dynamics of Human Capital and Labor Market Barriers

Invariance in Structural Models

(with Gadi Perets)

Hiring, Mismatch, and Vacancies: Lessons from Unique U.K. Vacancy Data  
(with Andrea Alati, Tomas Key, Philip Schnattinger, and Bradley Speigner)

Predicting Productivity Growth with Shadow Labor and Capital Asset Values
(with Roy Cnaan)

Research on COVID 19


When to Lock, Not Whom: Managing Epidemics Using Time-Based Restrictions

(With Yinon Bar-On, Tanya Baron and Ofer Cornfeld).

By The Review of Economic Dynamics, 2023.



Joint research with Ron Milo, and Yinon Bar-On from the Weizmann Institute of Science and with Tanya Baron, Ben Gurion University and Ofer Cornfeld, BFI

Cyclic Strategies to Suppress Covid-19 and Allow Economic Activity

Jan 23, 2020 version

(Under R and R at Nature: Scientific Reports)

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