Eran Yashiv
Media: Interviews / OpEd Articles
Updated: June 18, 2018
The latest articles are at the bottom of the page
המאמרים החדשים ביותר מופיעים בתחתית עמוד זה
Newspaper Interviews
Calcalist Interview, August 16, 2011 (in Hebrew)
Calcalist Interview, November 14, 2011 (in Hebrew)
Calcalist Interview, July 4, 2012 (in Hebrew)
The Marker Interview July 22, 2012 (in Hebrew)
The Marker Interview April 7, 2013 (in Hebrew)
Yediot Ahronot Interview May 31, 2013 (In Hebrew)
TV interviews
BBC Interview November 3, 2011
BBC Interview 2 November 13, 2011
BBC Interview 3 January 19, 2013
BBC Interview 4 January 23, 2013
BBC Interview 5 August 24, 2013
BBC Interview 6 September 21, 2013
London and Kirshenbaum, Channel 10, May 7, 2013
Café Hafuch with Emmanuel Halperin, Knesset Channel + Channel 10 A
London and Kirshenbaum, Channel 10, June 4, 2018 (16:05-22:27)
1. Why is the rate of unemployment so high? Haaretz /11/92
2. Is there a way out of the unemployment problem? Haaretz 7/4/93.
3. The ultra-orthodox and the labor market
Haaretz 5/7/2001
4. Wall Street vs. Ahad Haam: A Decade's Perspective
Haaretz 17/2/2002
5. A Disaster Foretold
Haaretz 1/5/2002
6. Not a Way to Run a Country
Haaretz 8/12/2002
7. Anatomy of an (Almost) Inevitable Crisis
Haaretz 24/4/2003 (PDF file)
8. Private attorneys in the service of the state
Haaretz 15/4/2008
Hebrew (PDF file), English (PDF file)
9. The near impossibility of a Mideast peace
International Herald Tribune 6/5/2008 (PDF file)
10. When will a politician behave differently?
Haaretz 18/9/2008
Hebrew (PDF file) English (PDF file)
11. Using the Crisis for Structural Changes
Haaretz-The Marker (3/3/09)
Hebrew (PDF file)
12. A Revolution in the Construction Industry
Haaretz-The Marker (12/5/09)
Hebrew (PDF file)
13. Don’t Be Wrong: Israel is in a Bad State
Haaretz-The Marker (16/6/09)
Hebrew (PDF file)
14. Change the Budgeting Process from the Foundations
Haaretz-The Marker (24/6/09)
Hebrew (PDF file)
15. How Will The Israeli Economy Look Like with 40% Arabs and Ultra-Orthodox?
Haaretz-The Marker (30/7/09)
Hebrew (PDF file)
16. The Real Importance of the New Bank of Israel Law
Haaretz-The Marker (28/10/09)
Hebrew (PDF file)
17. Cheap on the Negative Income Tax
Haaretz - The Marker (15/2/10)
Hebrew (JPG file)
18. Competition of the Weak Workers
Haaretz-The Marker (13/7/10)
Hebrew (PDF file)
19. Deport the Middlemen, Not the Children
Haaretz-The Marker (21/7/10)
Hebrew (PDF file)
On the Economics Nobel Prize Winners 2010
20. Obstacles to the Nordic Model in Israel: a Torn Society and Non Participating Groups
Haaretz-The Marker (25/12/11)
Hebrew (PDF file)
21. Bi-annual? Multi-annual!
Globes (16/7/2012)
Hebrew (PDF file)
22. Preventing Another Financial Crisis
Haaretz-The Marker (19/7/2012)
Hebrew (PDF file)
23. Putting Out the Fire, Not Planned Policy
Globes (30/7/2012)
Hebrew (PDF file)
24. Zero Flexibility
Globes (12/8/2012)
Hebrew (PDF file)
25. Israeli Mentality Makes Reforms Fail
Haaretz-The Marker (22/8/2012)
Hebrew (PDF file)
26. The Vicious Circles of Low Productivity and Poverty
Globes (9/9/2012)
Hebrew (PDF file)
27. The Forecast: Obama and Bibi
Haaretz (12/10/2012)
Hebrew (PDF file)
28. Solution Without Resolution
International Herald Tribune (23/11/2012)
29. A Bad Vicious Circle
Haaretz (14/12/2012)
Hebrew (PDF file)
30. Where Did the Left Vanish?
Haaretz (17/12/2012)
Hebrew (PDF file)
31. Give Outside Experts a Say in the Budget
Haaretz 29/4/2013
English (PDF)
Hebrew (PDF)
32. Ay Ay Ay iPhone
Haaretz 22/12/2013
Hebrew (PDF)
33. Unemployment is at a low. So what?
The Marker Magazine May 2014
34. The Force of Rebuilding
Haaretz 7/8/2014
35. The True Victory is National Resilience (joint with Meir Elran)
The Marker 17/8/2014
36. Give Them Towers
Yediot Aharonot 22/9/2014
37. The Demographics Are to Blame
Haaretz 22/2/2015
38. The States of Dan and Judea
Hebrew PDF November 1, 2015
English PDF November 8, 2015
39. Sensitivity and Non-Transparency (joint with Meir Elran)
Globes November 9/10, 2015
Hebrew PDF
40. A Practical Solution to the Gaza Crisis